LogoRocket provides you with the boilerplate code you need to launch, FAST.

Rocket NextJs

Open-Source starter built with NextJs & Tailwind/Flowbite.



Login with NextAuth

-Magic links setup
-Login with Google walkthrough
-Save user data in MongoDB
-Private/protected pages & API calls
-Time saved: 3 hours

Emails with Mailgun

-Send transactional emails
-DNS setup to avoid spam folder (DKIM, DMARC, SPF in subdomain)
-Webhook to receive & forward emails
-Time saved: 2 hours
-Headaches: 0

Payments with Stripe

-Create checkout sessions
-Login with Google walkthrough
-Save user data in MongoDB
-Private/protected pages & API calls
-Time saved: 3 hours

Login with NextAuth

-Magic links setup
-Handle webhooks to update user account
-Tips to setup your account & reduce chargebacks
-Private/protected pages & API calls
-Time saved: 2 hours

Database with Mongodb

-Mongoose schema
-Mongoose plugins to make your life easier
-Time saved: 2 hours

Style with TailwindCSS

-Components, animations & sections (like the pricing page below)
-20+ themes with daisyUI
-AAutomatic dark mode
-Time saved: 5 hours